5 Must Have Boutique Lines of Summmer 2012

Got a flare for always knowing the best lines out there? Are you constantly searching out your local boutiques for that one fabulous piece? Look no further, as your Fashionista411 columnist it is my pleasure to present these lines for all your shopping needs! Continue Reading

Yoga on the Go – Sitting down with the Surfing Yogi, Tyler LaVigne

The essence of yoga incorporates the breath, body, and mind. Finding a connection with all three is a person’s yoga practice. Once the breath is calm, the body is relaxed, then the mind begins to still. This is exactly how yoga fits into the modern busy world. It passively slows a person’s mind down, and allows him/her to focus on the present moment, which gives a person more mental focus, and concentration on their daily tasks. Continue Reading

5 Quick Tips for Planning your European Adventure

As Winter descents upon Southern California you might find yourself asking the following questions. Am I craving the luxury of real snow? Do I yearn for a sprinkling of culture, with a dash of ‘Old World’ charm mixed in? If… Continue Reading

Geisha, between the Worlds.

When you hear the word, Geisha, does your mind flash to a white face, red lipped women wearing elaborate silk kimonos? Does the film ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ come to the forefront of your mind? That classic tale invoking images of controlled love, passionate art and cruel fate all revolving around one artisan’s life. As with any powerful archetype, trying to get to the root of it can be a confusing process at best, a frustrating one at worst. Continue Reading

Curves Abound at Full Figure Fashion Week in NYC

FFFW Promo

Featuring the hottest designers for curvy kittens; Full Figure Fashion Week is set to kick off in New York City June 16th through the 20th.  This fabulous event will be hosted by model, author, designer and icon Emme. Emme boasts… Continue Reading